Social Media Community Guidelines

Our Communication

Clear communication is at the root of any good relationship, and your experience with us is one of our highest priorities. The following guidelines support a positive experience for all our clients and friends, and by accessing our social media platforms, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions listed here.

We cannot be responsible for views expressed other than our own.

Personal Information

Our social media pages are public, so anyone can participate on our pages and anyone can see your posts and comments. No comment or post to these sites will be considered confidential information under any circumstances. Never post personal details about yourself or someone else on social media websites.


Please keep your participation with us on social media free from solicitation. American Bank’s social media platforms are not intended to promote or comment on any other companies or their products or services.


We expect participants to treat each other with respect. We may delete posts or comments, without notice, that we consider:

  • Profane, obscene, inappropriate, disruptive or unrelated to American Bank
  • Threats, personal attacks, inflammatory language, or stalking or harassment of any individual, entity or organization
  • Discriminatory or that contain hateful speech of any kind regarding age, gender, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability
  • False, inaccurate, libelous or otherwise misleading in any way
  • Spam, or linking to any kind of virus, malware, spyware, or similar program that could cause harm to a user's computer
  • Users may be banned from communicating with American Bank on social media platforms if they continue to exhibit any of the behaviors listed above.

We may also remove identical posts by the same user or multiple users. In the case of identical posts, we may leave the first submission and delete the duplicates.

Any comment posted which we deem to be criminal in nature or that instigates or implies violence toward oneself or another individual may be reported to the proper authorities.


Do not post copyright-protected content.

Your Submissions

By posting to our social media pages, you give us permission to reuse your content and ideas for any purpose that we may elect, along with your real or social media user name, without any compensation or obligation to you.

Monitoring and Feedback

We monitor the activity on our social media pages. While we will make every effort to respond in a timely manner, we cannot guarantee that every comment will receive a reply.

Your Comments and Concerns

If you have specific financial needs that you would like to discuss with us, you are welcome to:

  • Visit one of our locations.
  • Go to our website at
  • Call our Client Services at (800) 257-8316.
  • Send a message through the social media platform’s private messaging service.

Users that are banned from communication with American Bank on social media are still welcome to communicate with us by one of those methods.

We may invite a user to contact us by one of those methods if they post or comment about a client service request or other client relationship matter.

It is important to never share personal identifying information in a non-private way including social media. American Bank will never ask for private or confidential information on social media. If we require additional information, the user will be contacted offline and our contact will only be in response to the concern or question that was submitted to us.

Links to Third Party Content

We may post links to other websites or social media pages that we believe contain useful information for you. This is not an endorsement of any such third-party site or page and we are not responsible for the contents, policies or terms of use of such sites. Similarly, any content that is linked through a hashtag is not endorsed by American Bank.

Third Party Conduct

American Bank is not affiliated with LinkedIn or Facebook. We are not responsible for how these companies operate their social media platforms, and they may use the information that you share on our company pages in accordance with the terms and conditions of that site.

Privacy of Children

Our social media platforms are not directed to or intended for use by children under the age of 13.


Your use of this site does not modify any agreement you have with American Bank.

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