FDIC Money Smart for Small Businesses

The FDIC's Money Smart financial education program helps people of all ages enhance their financial skills and create positive banking relationships. The modules below were specifically selected for their relevance to our small business clients who want to enhance their understanding of how our financial system works, how to utilize it to meet their needs, and how to manage their fiscal responsibilities effectively. See the full list of modules available for Money Smart at FDIC.gov.

FDIC Money Smart for Small Businesses

Money Smart for Small Business (MSSB) provides an introduction to topics related to starting and managing a business. MSSB was developed jointly by the FDIC and the U.S. Small Business Administration. The full materials are available for immediate download at Money Smart For Small Business.

Banking Services


  • Identifies the banking services commonly available to a small business and explains how these services work
  • Identifies the advantages and disadvantages of each of the banking services
  • Explains how a small business owner can determine which banking services are best for their business
  • Defines several forms of deposit insurance
  • Describes some benefits of building effective long-term relationships with a banker or lender
  • Describes the role of a personal credit score in the lending process
  • Explains the benefits of separating business and personal bank transactions

Business Planning


  • Explains how an evolving planning process can help a business owner make key decisions
  • Describes how to convert a vague idea into a resource plan
  • Explains the importance of a healthy personal credit score and healthy relationships with lenders
  • Describes how a business plan helps motivate stakeholders to understand and support your business ideas
  • Explains the benefits of creating a day-to-day action plan for running a small business

Commercial Real Estate

We provide local businesses with a variety of real estate loans because we want to see our communities flourish. We don’t just lend here. We live here.

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